Mass Premier Courts
97 Green Street, Rt. 106
Foxboro, MA 02035
Contact is Michael Vaughan.
Inside location!
97 Green Street, Rt. 106
Foxboro, MA 02035
Contact is Michael Vaughan.
Inside location!
Setup a small table inside the lobby. The small table you bring should be setup right at the bottom
of the stair entrance against the wall (before you pass the office and food court area). Table will be
off to the side to not block the walkway. Don't pile coats, etc up. Keep things looking tidy. Have
your own bags for multiple box sale and own money for change.
Please leave thank you note (and box of cookies if you can spare it) on your way out.
Take all your trash and cookie boxes. Leave no trace.
Note - The crowds do "changing of the guard" usually at the top of the hour. One team leaves
Take all your trash and cookie boxes. Leave no trace.
Note - The crowds do "changing of the guard" usually at the top of the hour. One team leaves
as the next team comes in. The sales will happen as folks are coming in/out of the games.
If you'd like a booth sale at MP Courts, email me date/time and I'll try to get approval
from the sports center.
12/21 9-1 82504f 115 boxes (39tm, 21cd)
1/12 10a-2p 70824m
1/12 10a-2p 70824m