Mansfield Airport/Hangar 12

Mansfield Airport / Hangar 12 Restaurant
265 Fruit Street
Mansfield, MA 02048
Contact - Kevin Bullock
508-339-3001 / 508-930-1121  

Recommended for Daisy and Brownie troops.
Inside setup! 
Please look at the photo below --   Troops will bring a small (2x4 best) table to setup in the
Aero Management Office which is straight across from main entrance of the Airport/Restaurant
lobby.   Your table should be setup on the black rug 4-6'' past the door way as seen in photo below.
There is usually one manager working that needs to be able to get in/out of this office so don't have
your table  too close to the doorway.    Behind you is a table/chair area where you can NEATLY hold
more cases of cookies to sell.   Either neatly tuck coats away behind you, or better yet leave coats in
the car. There is a restroom off main lobby.

Bring signs and tape  for outer doors and lobby area...sinage is key!

The lobby area is tight space especially in crowds.   No more than 2 girls selling at a time.   Be mindful
of girls volume.  Bring your own money for change, and of course take ALL your trash.  LEAVE NO TRACE!
Do NOT bring any signs with glitter on them.  Do not have girls eat cookies (crumbs) or drink juice/etc (no spills).
This Airport and Restaurant is spotless - we must keep it this way  before we leave.

Have girls sign a Thank You card/poster for both Airport Manager and Restaurant Manager.

  We have been given the first two weekends (Sat and Sun) 9am-noon for December.
 If you prefer 10-12, 9-11 that fine, just let me know in the google form request.
If things go well, we should be able to get more weekends in January/February too.

(those in red are "taken", blank is available)

Saturday  12/7  9a-noon  67033m  62 boxes
Sunday  12/8  9a-noon  70824m  84 boxes

Saturday  12/14  9a-noon  82916f  50 boxes
Sunday  12/15  9a-noon