Booth Rules and Safety

Mansfield & Foxboro Cookie Booth Rules
Cookie Season 2019-2020
Online selling starts November 21st and full program starts Tuesday Dec 3rd !  
If there is any confusion at a location for a booth sale - multiple troops show at the same time,
management states not okay to sell, etc -- please STOP.  Don't argue. Leave.  
Contact me and I will help figure things out and help get you another sale.

Selling at a location is a privilege!   We don't want to loose any locations!  
Be mindful of the property and customers.   LEAVE NO TRACE!

Safety First! Keeping girls safe is our first priority. Here are some GSUSA product selling safety tips.

Reference  The Cookie Book on GSEM's website often to find out how out all things cookies such as entering Planned Order, trying for COBS booth, selling dates and deadlines, etc.  Reference The Cookie Book often as council does edit this during the year.   GSEM also has Cookie Rookie Tips.  
Remember, booth sales are not the only way to sell cookies, you can do walk-A-bouts and direct sales too!  
Please remind the girls to SMILE and say "THANK YOU!" to the customers whether they buy cookies or not.  
Here are the rules for Mansfield/Foxboro Troops to request a Cookie Booth:
  1. Must use the new "COOKIE BOOTH REQUEST (Google) FORM" on this blog to request any and all booths. No booth requests will be honored through email, text, FB post, FB PM. I will confirm all requests back to you by email within a few days.  Your troop # will also show up on the blog, in red, confirming your spot.  
  2. Cookie Booths will now be first-come-first-serve!
  3. Using the Cookie Booth Request Form, please select top (at least) two preferences for a booth sales and I will do my best to fill one. More than two top requests can be added to request form's comments section. Requests honored in the order that I receive the requests.  
  4. You may initially ask for two different booths for the month (only 1 Bass Pro Shops). Please see dates below for when you may request more booths that are still open/available.
  5. Only troop leaders and troop cookie coordinators may request a booth.  Booth sales are a team effort and not for individual’s sales.  
  6. Always send me an email after each booth sale with feedback.  Tell me the weather for your booth sale, if you stayed the entire shift, if you used two doors (if applicable), if anything out of the ordinary happened, credit card sales, and tell me the total number of cookies sold.  Please share any other details that will help such as 'sold out of PBPs in one hour'.  I need this feedback for future reference when I’m organizing and asking for the booth locations. **If I do not receive this follow up email including totals sold, your requests for further booths will be DENIED.
  7. For any communication besides requesting a booth such as booth follow up with cookie totals and weather for your booths, please state your town (Mansfield or Foxboro), your name, your phone number, your troop #, and booth location/date/time.  Please state this information EVERY TIME you contact me.
  8. The first time you enter the Cookie Booth Request Google Form, please let me know about how many booth sales you are hoping for this cookie season.  1? 3? 5?...  This will help me if/when there are empty slots and cancellations.
  9. If you are a Troop Cookie Coordinator (TCC) position overseeing two Smart Cookie databases (two troops), you may request back-to-back booth sales for a location for the same day.   (example, you may request Bass Pro Shops for both the 10-2 and 2-6 shift if you want).  If you only have one Smart Cookie database (one troop), you may request just one shift for a location per day.
  10. Limit amount of girls at booth sales to 2-4 girls, with 2 gs registered and cori'd adults at a time, girls can rotate in shifts.  This will reduce overcrowding , confusion, and noise.   Do not pile up coats and excess gear in shopping carts or in view.  Instead hide jackets and gear under a table or bring outerwear to your cars.  Do not bring signs with glitter (especially to inside locations). Please bring a thank you note and writing utensils and have the girls write a thank you note to the manager/management while they are at the booth sale and leave it with them the same day!  And if you can swing it, leave a box of cookies with the thank you note.
  11. DRESS FOR THE WEATHER!   Layers.   Ski pants, jackets.   Decent shoes.  Stand on cookie boxes to layer up from the cold. The cookie blog is https://foxboro&

Requests are first-come-first-serve.
DECEMBER booths can be requested starting Friday 11/22 at 6am. You may request additional open/available December booths (even if already have other Dec booths) starting Wednesday 12/4 at 6am.   I will email a response to you within a few days.
JANUARY booths can be requested starting Wednesday 12/18 at 6am. You may request additional open/available January booths (even if already have other Jan booths) starting Wednesday 1/8 at 6am. I will email a response to you within a few days.
FEBRUARY booths can be requested starting Wednesday 1/22 at 6am. You may request additional open/available February booths (even if already have other Feb booths) starting Wednesday 1/29 at 6am. I will email a response to you within a few days.
MARCH booths will be given by request only starting Wednesday 2/19 at 6am. I will email a response to you within a few days.  Note, cookies are not available to purchase after 3/2.   So requesting a March booth sale means you already have lots of cookies to run a booth.
Bass Pro is a popular selling spot.  This year we again have been offered December weekends and Friday nights!  With approx 40 troops between both towns, I ask that you choose only one Bass Pro spot initially. Additional Bass Pro requests will be honored after booth request deadlines have past for that month if there are open slots or cancellations.  It is recommended that Daisy troops and first year Brownie troops do not request this booth unless they are partnering with an older troop.
If we have booth sale locations not taken, I will offer them out to an “out of area” troop that has limited opportunities to sell such as Sharon and Norton.  

It was requested that the Mansfield Airport booth location be for Daisies or Brownies. Older troops may request this location but priority will be given to the younger troops.

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME WITH ANY BOOTH SPOT and/or IDEAS YOU HAVE.  THE REQUEST TO THE HOST MUST COME FROM ME.  I will be adding to and updating the Blog continuously so make sure to check back often!  These guidelines may be subject to change if we feel the need to do so.  We do not want spots going unused and will do whatever it takes to fill them.  Please be patient and understanding as we move through this cookie season together.


Local businesses allowing our Girl Scout Troops to sell at their location is a privilege!   

Please be very mindful of this so we don't loose any locations.  Leave no trace!
Linda Hernandez (508)254-1401,