Dunkin Donuts
263 Main Street
Foxboro Ma 02035
(This location is near the State Police)
Foxboro Ma 02035
(This location is near the State Police)
- For safety reasons, selling cookies in/around the drive-thru will not be permitted.
- The troop is responsible for bringing everything they need for their cookie booth: table, tablecloth, signs, change, (paper is best) bags, etc.
- Girl Scout caregivers should park in parking spots furthest from the restaurant entrance to allow guests quick and easy access.
- Troops should use their best cookie booth etiquette and practice the Girl Scout Law.
**Let me know on the booth request form what hours you would like**
(those in red are "taken", blank is available)
Sat 2/1
Sun 2/2
Sat 2/8
Sun 2/9
Sat 2/15
Sun 2/16
Sat 2/22
Sun 2/23
Sat 2/29
Sun 3/1
Sat 3/7
Sun 3/8
Sun 3/1
Sat 3/7
Sun 3/8